Wir freuen uns im Rahmen des Anstimmen Festivals 2023 den Drag Workshop mit Maria Moschus bei uns zu haben.
Englische Beschreibung:
Drag has no boundaries or rules. It breaks the gender binary and plays with prejudices and expectations. What kind of masculinity, femininity and genderqueerness do I experience in my everyday life? What representation of gender would I like to feel, see, and experience more? The workshop is for everyone who feels like testing and breaking down these categories. We combine resistance and protest with fun and art by experimenting with ourselves. We will prepare a little show and you can present it at an open stage on saturday, if you want to.
Feel free to bring make up, mirrors or drag outfits! If you don’t have anything to bring, that’s no problem either.
Accessibility: We make pauses. We accept uncontrolled noises and movements. Everyone can stand up and move, leave, eat or drink at any given time if needed. An accompanying person is welcome to join.
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Eingetragen von: FKK