Konzert: Dusker . Hanako . Origami Honey

Sonntag 30.04

20:00 - 23:00


MarderschadenDIY und das FahrradKinoKombinat präsentieren:

Dusker | Hanako | Origami Honey
Einlass ab 20:00 Uhr

Dusker (Leicester, UK)
-> for fans of bands that describe themselves by listing post-punk and noiserock bands

hanako (Warszawa, pl)
-> for fans of noise/screamo bands that name themselves after elephants and sometimes wear thematically matching outfits.

Origami Honey (Friedrichsort, de)
-> for fans of fake emo who actually think they are too cool to think fake emo is any good.

Poster by Svetlana Grigorieva

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